Military / Professional Shock Mitigating Solutions
Shoxs Suspension Seating

Shock and vibration in small craft operating at high speed in anything other than calm conditions can be severe enough to cause injuries and damage to equipment. A survey of US Navy Special Boat Unit boat operators found that over 70% reported one or more injuries to the lower back, knee, or shoulder. Nearly all of these injuries occurred on the job.
We, at Shoxs, work closely with public and private defense and patrol agencies worldwide to understand their specific needs and requirements. You'll find us on major small-boat programs in the US Coast Guard, US Navy, US Customs and Border Patrol, UK Ministry of Defence, and the Canadian Special Forces. Our in-house shock and vibration specialists continually advise defense organizations of all sizes on solutions and strategies to limit harmful impact exposure encountered on the job.
Shoxs is a line of marine suspension seats designed for maximum impact protection on the water for navies, coast guards, marine police forces, and other members of the maritime defense community and search and rescue organizations who experience the roughest conditions imaginable. Purpose-designed for extreme offshore conditions, the Military / Professional line of shock absorbing seats feature suspension travel above 8" in length, designed to absorb the most punishing impacts.
Trusted by maritime agencies globally.

The Shoxs product line includes:
- Bucket-style suspension seating
- Jockey-style suspension seating
- Troop seats
- Non-mitigated seats for auxiliary seat positions
Kinetix Impact Monitoring

Fast boat hulls, and their crews and passengers, experience severe shock and vibration levels when operating at high speed at sea. Military, search and rescue, and civil boat crews have been injured and vessels have been damaged by overexposure to shock and vibration.
High speed vessels can be fitted with Kinetix monitoring systems to ensure that they are working safely and effectively. Kinetix allow maritime agencies to use impact data to monitor short- and long-term shock and vibration exposure, investigate high impact events, and predict maintenance intervals.
The Kinetix product line includes:
- Real time impact exposure alert systems
- Data recording for post-transit analysis